



Read Squirrel
What is school readiness?

Learning begins on day
one of your child’s life.
Believe it or not, you’re already helping your child get ready for school. The time you spend with your child every day helps them learn – like singing and dancing, making silly noises, or playing copycat games.
In those little moments, your child is learning! They learn more from you than anyone. Don’t worry, you’ve got this. We’ll give you some easy activities and ideas to get started. Read on!
Why is it important?
For children who aren’t school-ready, there are long-term effects. That’s why we’re here. To make it easier for you and your family to build early learning skills, starting at birth.
How do I get started?
A great place to begin is with Ready 5 – Every Child Ready Duluth’s dream team of early learning friends! Each friend represents an activity you can do with your kiddos to help prepare them for kindergarten.

Talk it out

Sing all

Your Way

Write Away

All Day
Talk, sing, read, write and play together. It’s that easy to jump-start your child’s learning!
When we say talk, sing, read, write, and play, we don’t mean it has to be talking in full sentences or being able to write their name right off the bat. Those are the long-term goals, but the journey to get there is full of experimentation and silliness. As it should be.

Meet the Ready 5!
With the Ready 5, you can adjust each activity for your child’s age. Talking for a baby is jibber-jabbering or sticking out their tongue. Writing for a toddler is showing them how to hold a crayon or how to scribble. If your kiddo is too impatient to listen to an entire book, tell a shortened version based on the pictures – that’s early reading!
These little things may seem insignificant, but with time and practice, you and your child will master those bigger skills together.
What is Every Child Ready Duluth?
Every Child Ready Duluth is a Duluth Public Library initiative. Our goal is to make Duluth a shining example of equitable kindergarten readiness. We strive to connect families and caregivers with our amazing community partners and school readiness resources.
Every family should have access to the resources they need for their child to succeed.
Learn more about ECRD
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Parent Aware Childcare Guide (PDF)
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Duluth ISD 709 Community Education
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Zero to Three
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Contact Us
Have a question? No problem.
Contact Carmella Hatch, Early Literacy Librarian at:
(218) 730-4222 or chatch@duluthmn.gov