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St. Louis County Birth Certificate Index

This is an index to birth certificates filed in St. Louis County, Minnesota, 1859-1900. Included in the index is name, date of death, certificate number, and a location/comments column.  These Birth certificates are NOT indexed in the Minnesota Historical Society’s People Finder database.

Birth certificates are located at the St. Louis County Recorder’s office. Information on obtaining these records for genealogy requests can be found on the St. Louis County website.

Search Tips

  • Cut down large results sets by adding information – for example, the range of years the births could possibly have occurred.
  • If you’re not finding your person, try making the search less specific – broaden the date of birth, search “Starts With,” using fewer letters (for example, Anders vs Anderson).
  • If you’re unsure of the exact spelling of the name, type in as much as you’re sure of as a “Starts With” search. (For example, “Starts With” search for “Anders” will bring back “Andersen,” “Anderson,” and “Andersson.”
  • Because many babies were not given first names at the time the birth certificate was completed, over 8000 birth certificates list as the first name either “male” or “female.” If you do not find your person using the first name you know (or variations), try searching using “male” or “female” (as appropriate) in the first name search box, and then, if necessary, look for birth date to confirm your person. (If a big result set, add birth date or range of birth dates to your search.)
  • Comments field may contain city or township of birth, if not Duluth. Adding location could be a strategy to narrow a search if you get a very large result set.
  • You can reorganize a result set by clicking on any column header.
  • Click on the orange question marks below for tips on a specific search field.