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War Casualties & POWs

This is an index to newspaper articles from the Duluth News Tribune (DNT) and the Duluth Herald (DH) on some of the military personnel from the Duluth area who were killed or captured during World war I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.

Each entry may include name, address, rank, service branch, date of incident (killed, captured, etc.), and a brief description of the incident. Articles may be about a soldier killed, captured, awarded a medal, being released from prison camp, or the body being returned for burial.

Step 1: Search the Index

If you're not sure of the spelling of a name, try typing the first few letters of the name.

For example, if you type "carl" in the last name box you'll get both "Carlson" and "Carlsen." To get a list of all records, leave all fields blank and click on "Search."

Step 2: Get Article Information

Use your search results to come into the Main Library and find the article on our microfilm readers or Request a copy of an article and have the library email or mail you a copy for a small charge.


Start your search here:

Samples of articles cited in the database


Additional resources

World War I:

Minnesota People Records Search - Gold Star Roll 1915-1921

World War II: 

U.S. National Archives World War II Casualty Lists   

Honor States Casualties of World War II

Korean War:

National Archives State-Level Casualty Lists

Genealogy Trails Korean War Casualties from St. Louis County, Minnesota

Vietnam War:

National Archives State-Level Casualty Lists

Northland Vietnam Veterans Association: Duluth POW MIA

All Wars:

Minnesota - Gold Star Casualties of War




During World War II and the Korean War, this index was maintained as a card file by Reference staff at the library, and the Vietnam War entries were made in 2016 and 2017.