Reserve a Meeting Room
Please Note: The business office will take reservations for outside groups no more than 60 days before the requested reservation date. Please allow time for your booking to be approved before arriving for your reservation. Reservations may not be approved outside of normal business hours. Meetings must take place during the library's open hours.
The Duluth Public Library has a variety of spaces available:

Green Room Capacity: 95
The Green Room has 95 chairs, 12 folding tables, one square table, and a podium available for use. They are available to set up as needed.
Green Room Rates
- $115 - 4 Hours or Less
- $150 - 4 Hours or More

Gold Room Capacity: 35
The Gold Room has 35 chairs, 6 folding tables, and one square table. They are available to set up as needed.
Gold Room Rates
- $70 - 4 Hours or Less
- $90 - 4 Hours or More

Conference Room Capacity: 10
The Conference Room holds up to 10 chairs and a large stationary round table.
Conference Room Rates
- $70 - 4 Hours or Less
- $90 - 4 Hours or More

Superior Study Room Capacity: 2
- This is available by reservation during open hours.
- No Fee
- The time limit is 1 hour per person per day.

Privacy Pod Capacity: 2
- This is available by reservation during open hours.
- No Fee
- The time limit is 1 hour per person per day.
Reservation Information
Meetings sponsored by City of Duluth departments and government and nonprofit organizations are free of charge; all other groups must pay the rental fees unless special arrangements are made with the Library Manager. Rental fees have been approved by the Duluth City Council.
Meetings must take place during the library's open hours. We require groups to end their meetings at least 30 minutes before closing so that everyone is out of the building on time. Meetings in the Conference Room may not last beyond 5:00 p.m.
The Conference Room is not available on Saturdays.
Additional Information:
- Please bring your own A/V equipment. The Library does have screens but does not provide A/V equipment or cords.
- Chairs and tables are provided in the rooms for meeting organizers to set up as they need
- The Library does not make coffee for meetings or provide coffeepots, coffee, cups, cream or sugar.
- The Library is not responsible for lost or damaged items.
- The Library is a smoke-free building.
- No alcoholic beverages may be dispensed or consumed on Library grounds.
- Meeting rooms must be left in an orderly condition. Damage is the responsibility of the meeting room user.
Meeting Room Statement of Use
The Duluth Public Library does not advocate or endorse the viewpoints of meetings or meeting room users.
To reserve a meeting room:
Call the Business Office (218-730-4200/option 6) or email